Past Projects


Millennium Place                               121 Portland St                      LA Sports Club

Suffolk Construction                         Consigli                                   Corderman and Company


100 Arlington St – Boston                  Natick Mall Expansion          Winchester Hospital

John Moriarty Associates                   Dimeo                                     AJ Martini


Umass Amherest Life Sciences         AMC – Framingham               Harvard - Building Y

Consigli                                                 Whiting Turner                       Garland Building Company


Design Center                                     Upham’s Corner                     Westin Hotel

Jones Lang LaSalle                             Bilt-Rite Construction            Columbia Construction


Martha's Vineyard Hospital              MIT Bldg 66                           Regis College – Maria Hall

Columbia Construction                     Suffolk Construction            Suffolk Construction


Metlife - Warwick, RI                        Fairfax Gardens                      Zero Marlborough

Dimeo Construction                        CWC                                          Sea Dar Construction


Liberty Place – Boston                     IRS Service Center                   UBS – 1 Post Office Sq

Suffolk Construction                        Pomerantz and Company      J.F. Fitzgerald


West Roxbury – YMCA                     Miriam Hospital                      Watertown Assisted Living

Alexandra Construction                   Dimeo Construction               CWC


MacAllen Building                             Northeastern University – Stetson Hall

Bovis Lend Lease                              Suffolk Construction


120 Kingston St                                  Malden Mills                           Boston College - Cushing Hall

Resource NJ                                        Keith Construction                Structuretone


URI Pharmacy                                    Baker Square Condos

Suffolk Construction                         Union Construction


South Shore Hospital - Cancer Center       Cengage Learning

Gilbane                                                            Gilbane


Acadia Health – Dartmouth              Locke Lord

Brasfield & Gorrie                              Turner


Historic South End Apartments         Paypal - Boston

CWC                                                        Elaine Construction






















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